There was once a big rock in the idle of an ocean. it was not an ordinary rock. When the sun shone it, it perspired and out of this perspiration was born a pretty little girl called Limimuut. She grew up and felt very lonely.
One day she saw a crow. it held in its beak a dry branch and consciously circling the spot the branch. Suddenly the bird spoke to her, I have carried it from Taoere”. She was so surprised to find the bird should read her thoughts and speak her language. Then she asked, “I’m anxious to go that land. Will you take me there?”
The bird agreed and away they flew to reach Taoere, for Limimuut herself could fly too. On narrative there, they found a small place again alone. Suddenly an idea struck her. She took a small amount of soil, flew to the barmen rock from which she had come, and scattered the soil the rock. A strange thing happened. This small amount of soll grew into a big place of land.
Limimuut looked around and realized that the ground was barren. Then Limimuut flew again to Taoere and look a handful of soil. She again scattered the barren ground. Something green began to emerge from the land and this became the vegetation that we have on our earth today. But she not satisfied yet. She made an mountain. Then she climbing till she reached the top. There another strange thing occurred; she became pregnant. A few moths later she a son named him Toar.
Years went by and Toar grew up into a handsome young man. The other though that the time had come of him to choose a wife. She asked him roam the world until he found a wife. Toar obeyed her and traveled to the other part of the ocean. But still he could find no one fit to be his wife and returned home.
His other shall go to the lift. if on your way you encounter a woman carrying a place longer than your, take her as your wife.
Narrative Text
Once upon time, there was a King of the AntahBerantahKingdom whishes Dewi Sekartaji became his wife. To do so, he kidnapped her. Fortunately, the God Narada save Dewi Sekartaji by changing her into a golden snail: Keong Emas, The God told Keong Emas to drift along the river in order to find her husband, Panji Asmoro Bangun.
One day a poor old widow, Mbok Rondo Dadapan, who always fished along the river, found the golden snail and took it him. There, she put the snail in a jar and took good care of it. All of sudden, unexpected good thing stool place in Mbok Rondo’s life.
Coming back from her daily fishing, she would find delicious dishes on the table and the house cleaned. She wondered who had been so nice to take care of her house and to do the cooking. When this went on for several days, she could not resist the temptation to find out who the mysterious kind person was. So one day, instead of fishing, she peeped through a hole in the wall of her house.
To the amazement she saw a beautiful princes coming out of the jar and starting to clean the house and preparing a meal.
The net day, the same happened. Without wasting any time Mbok Rondo rushed into the house and smashed the jar. ”Homeless’ Dewi Sekartaji could not turn back into a snail. She was then adopted by Mbok Rondo.
Meanwhile, Raden Panji Asmoro Bangun, searching for his wife, wandered from one village to another, finally reaching Dadapan where he found his beloved. Filled with happiness and love, they went back to their kingdom, taking along good Mbok Rondo.
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Once upon a time, along time ago, in an away place, there was special kind of animal. This animal lived in a beautiful forest. It was like a spirit. The animal was called a unicorn and it had special magic power.
The creator gave the unicorn the special magical power to help it give confident to young children. The unicorn was able to make their dreams come true. The unicorn gave the children confidence and hope. It could give them the magic of youth and confidence to reach for their dreams, goals, a beliefs. He could do this because the children were pure like little angels that come from the heavens.
One day a young girl named Dalsie was waking in the forest. She saw a beautiful unicorn standing in a pond with flowers surrounding him. His long mane was orange like the sunset. He had a blue shinny coal like the blue sky.
Dalsie talked to the unicorn and the unicorn spoke to her. It gave her the confidence that she could succeed in life. The unicorn promised that he would watch over her. He told her to close her eyes. When Dalsie opened her eyes, the vanished into the forest. All around the forest there were butterflies of all colors.
It was getting dark and Dalsie had to leave go home. Many years later when Dalsie had grown up. She remembered that day. The promise the unicorn had made to her really had come true.
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Tom stood proudly in a snow field. His big and tall body was made from snow. Wow, Tom looked great Tom saw some lights in the distance. Those lights were from Jan and Hendrik’s home, two brothers who created him. Jan and Hendrik named that snowman Tom. Tom was very happy! Because at first, he was only some snow packs. Snow which was stepped by many kids. Jan and Hedrik change him to a snowma. Now his name was Tom.
Suddenly Tom’s body shook, and then the wind blew his hat. Then his broom, his shawl, his eyes, his nose, and his mouth. Tom wanted to scream. But he couldn’t. Then Tom’s snow body flew ad scattered to the ground. Tom, the snowman hadn’t got his form anymore.
Tom was very sad. All night long he cried. “Huh u hu… I want to be a snowman! I want to be a snowman!” Tom kept on crying till morning.
His crying was heard by four birds. The birds were flying. “Hey snow, why you are crying?” asked a bird. “Huh u hu… I am sad!” “Why are you sad? Asked the birds all together. “Actually I was a snowman. Last night the storm destroyed my body. You know, I always want to be a snowman. I want to see the kids plying in the snow field. I want to play with them,” told Tom.
Then, he told the birds about everything that happened to him. The birds agreed to help Tom. Then the birds flew. They brought Tom’s shawl. The birds brought it to Jan and Hendrik’s home. Coincidentally they met that boys I the street.
Jan and Hendrik were preparing their ski equipment. The birds dropped the shawl in front of Jan and Hendrk. They were very shocked. “Hey, t is To!” shouted Jan. He was amazed. “Maybe something happened to Tom. You remember Jan, there was a storm last night”, said Hendrik. “Lets go there!” replied Jan. They brought their ski equipment. They ran to Tom’s place. Poor Tom. Hendrik said. Lets make a new Tom. A stronger Tom, asked Jan. Hendrik nodded.
1.Narrative text
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were died.
One day she heard her Aunt and Uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Aunt and Uncle to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry.
Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White wake up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “What is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White”.
Doc said, “It you wish, you may live here with us”. Snow White said, “Oh, could I? Thank you”. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.
Roro Jonggrang
Roro Jonggrang was the daughter of giant king called Ratu Baka. She had a proposal from a young noble, Bandung Bandawasa. He was handsome, wealthy, and powerful but Roro Jonggrang didn’t want to marry him. Ratu Baka gives a task to Bandung Bandawasa. She had to make 1000 temples in one night, to prepare his marriage to Roro Jonggrang.
Bandung Bandawasa used his supranatural power to call the genies, and he made the temples in unbelievable speed. Roro Jonggrang saw that the task was almost complate then, she ordered her servants to help her hit the rice puncher and made the sound of cooking. These actions would make the genies think that morning had come. They would run away. Bandung Bandawasa was angry with Roro Jonggrang. He already finished 9999 temples, and when he built the 1000, he course Roro Jonggrang into a stone statue to fill the 1000 temples.
The Thirsty Crow
On a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For a long time, she could not fine any. She left very exhausted, almost giving up. Suddenly, she saw a water jug bellow her; she flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. It was a surprise because there was some water inside the jug!
The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out but she found that the jug was too heavy.
The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw some pebbles. She suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink. “It’s working!” She said.
A hawk, a Hen and a Rooster
Once upon a time a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “Won’t you marry me?”
The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him. But she said, “I cannot fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together.”
The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you have promised to marry me,” said the hawk.
So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once! Didn’t you tell the hawk that you’d already promised to marry me?” shouted the rooster. The hen was so frightened at the rooster’s anger that she threw away the ring immediately.
When the hawk came the text day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, you’ll always be scratching the earth, and I’ll always be flying above you to catch your children, “Said the hawk.
The curse seems to have come true.
Narrative Text
Kajanthini Selvrasa never imagined that on the very day she planned to be married in Sri Lanka she would be dealing with two deaths, and then he news of her grieving mother and father might not be free to return with her to Canada, fir they lost their passport
“you have two deaths in your family and this is how you are treated,” the exhausted Selvrasa, who lost her aunt and grandmother, murmured in her family’s home in Colombo.
Selvrasa, 23, of Mississauga and her fiancé, Benjamin Yogarajah, 28, of North York, had traveled with her parents to Sri Langka for their wedding on the 29 the of December. Her parents, Sri Langka nationals who have lived in Toronto as landed immigrants for more than a decade, lost all their identification when the waves hit her grandmother’s home.
The Canadian high commission in Colombo told them they must reapply for the documents before they can come back.
“I know they have a lot to deal with,” said Yogarajah to Selvrasa.
“Yeah…” replied the hopeless Selvrasa
Selvrasa’s grandmother, Rasanayagam Algaratnam, her aunt, Jayarannee Puvipal, and Puvipal’s husband and their three children were inside Algaratnam’s house when the surging water advanced on the home.
Puvipal’s husband scooped up one of their three children and ran, while a neighbour carried a second to safety. But, a 9-year-old remained whit algaratnam and Puvipal, who were searching for the family’s passports when the water reached them. The boy was pushed the water’s force to the ceiling, where he clung, frightened and bleeding, as the women were engulfed, frightened and bleeding, as the women were engulfed.
Their bodies were recovered, but only after thieves had stripped puvipal’s battered body of the wedding jewellery.
Narrative Text
The silent young woman in bed number six is called Jasmine. So am I, but names are only superficial things, floats bobbing on the surface of the water, and we share deeper connections than that. That is why she fascinates me and why I spend my off-duty time sitting beside her.
Today is difficult. The ward heaves with patients and I am kept busy emptying bed-pans, filling out forms, and changing dressings. Finally, late in the afternoon, I get few moments to make coffee and to make coffee and take it over to the orange plastic chair beside her bed. I am thankful to be off my feet, glad to be in her company once again.
“Hello, Jasmine,” I say, as if greeting myself.
She does not reply. Jasmine never replies. She is down too deep. Like me, she has been sea-damaged. I am also the daughter of a fisherman, so I bait my words like fish-hooks, cast them into her ears and imagine them sinking down thought cold, dark water. Down to wherever she may be.
“I have little time today,” I tell her, touching her hair.
With Jasmine, it is always difficult of this, people invents reason to walk by. I catch them looking, drinking her in, and feeding on her. They are barracuda, all of them; wheelchair-pushing porters who slow to a crawl when they near her bed and roaming visitors with greedy eyes. Doctors, who stop, draw the thin screen of curtain, and continually re-examine that which does not need examination.
Great beauty is something that Jasmine and I do not share. I am glad of it
“You father may be here soon,” I say. “Last week he said he would come.”
Jasmine says nothing. Her left eyelid flickers, perhaps.
It is two months since the incident on her father’s fishing, bout since she fell overboard, sank, became entangled in the nets. It was some time before anyone noticed, then there was panic. Her father hauled her back on board thought was his daughter’s body.
“Jasmine,” I whisper. I want her to take our arrived, he carried ashore what he thought was his daughter’s body.
“Jasmine,” I whisper. I want her to take our baited name. I want her to swallow it.
Fortunately, there was a doctor in the village that morning, a young man visiting relatives. It was he who brought this drowned woman back from the brink and told me her story. She opened her eyes; he said, looked up at her father and spoke a single word. Then she sank again, this time into coma.
Narrative Text
Mustafa Kamal Searched for his 5-years-old by day and had visions of her at night, certain that somehow she escaped the Tsunami that slammed into Sumatra island
His dream became reality today, when Rina Augustina squealed and raced into his arms.
“By the grace of good! I knew you were alive! I knew it!” Kamal screamed at a reunion organized by the aid group save the children. “My precious little one. I did not give up. I kept looking.”
“where were you?” she sobbed, throwing her arms around her father’s neck.
Kamal, a truck driver, was on his way to the city of Medan, a 12-hour drive from this provincial capital, when the Tsunami hit on December 26. Rina augustina was at home with her mother, her two sisters, and her uncle.
Her uncle held her and her 12-year-old sister as they tried to outrun the wall of water. It caught them, and her uncle, Hamdani, lost his grip. Both girls were swept away. Her mother and 8-years-old sister also vanished.
Somehow, Rina aughustina survived and made it to a government building where displaced people were gething. A teenage boy took her to Halimah junid’s government offices, and anywhere he might find his wife, there daughters and brother, eventually, he found and the bodies of his two older daughters. But he kept looking for his wife juwairiah, and bRina aughustine.
Meanwhile, all over the city, posters of the missing are displayed on street lamps, settlement reas and government’s central information central.Information center. A local newspaper has printed photos of the missing and detail on what they were last seen wearing. Radio broadcasters have read out names of children living in camps.
Finallym, another fanmily looking for their son told Kamal that they saw his daughter’s same on the boarsl.” It came to me in a dream that you stayed alive, sweaty, “said Kamal in his heart.
With representatives of a non-govermmental organization organization watching to make sure all went smoothly, Kamal went to junid’s home and dropped to his knees at the sight of the little gill in a line green shirt plaid pants. “Where’s name?” the girls asked. Kamal tried to reassure her and did not tell her about her sisters.
As they left, Rina Aughustina waved at Junid and kissed her hard. Kamal cradled Rina Aughtina and kissed her check. He then led her out the sunshine.
Narrative Text
Roro Jongrang was the daughter of giant king called Ratu Baka, she had proposal from a young noble, Bandung Bondowoso. He was handsome wealthy, and powerful but Roro Jonggrang didn’t want to marry him. Ratu Baka gives a task to Bandung Bondowoso. She marriage to Roro Jonggarng.
Bandung Bondowoso used his supranatural power to call the genies, and he made the temples in unbelievable speet. Roro Jonggarng saw that the task was atmost complete then, she ordered her saund of cooking. These actions would make the genies think that morning had come. They Roro Jonggarng, he already finished 999 temples, and when he built the 1.000th , he cursed Roro Jonggarng into a stone statue to fill the 1.000th temple.
Narrative Text
One a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any, she left very exhausted, almost giving up. Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her; she flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. It was a surprise because there was some water inside the jug.
The crown friend to push her head into the jug, sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she friend to push the jug down for the water to flow out but she found that the jug was too heavy.
The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw some pebbles. She suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebble filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crown to drink. “It’s working!” she said
Narrative Text
Once upon a time there lived a little girl same snow white. she lived with her out and Unde because her parents were dead.
One day she heard her aunt and Unde talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to Amerika and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Aunt and uncle to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home. When her Aunt and Unde were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and feel asleep.
Mean while. The seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found show white sleeping. Then Snow White wake up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “What is your name? “Snow White said,” My name is Snow White.
Doc said, “It you wish, you may live with us”, Snow White said, “Oh, Cold I? Thank you”. Them Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the dwarfs lived happily ever after.
Narrative Text
A long time ego, very few people lived in the NewTerritories. There were only a few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass through wild forest.
One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother. She brought along her baby soon. When it was tie for her to leave. Her brother said, it is getting dark, let my son. Ah Tim go with you through the forest,”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying him baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “Please do not hurt my nephew. If you kill him, how can I face my brother again? Please cat my own son instead. “Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away.
They ran back to the house and called for a help. All men in the village fetched thick stick and went buck with her into the forest, when they got there, they saw something very strange. Instead of eating the woman’s baby, the wolves were playing with him.
Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She had offered her won son’s life to save her nephew
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Thousands of tourists go to Bali each year. The include visitors from countries as far North America and Europe. Why do so many people leave their home towns or countries and travel to Bali? Many people to go on trips for the fun of seeing new and strange things and Bali is one of the places where they expect to see them.
There are many books on Bali that foreign tourists can buy before they leave their home towns. However, books cannot explain everything to them, so it a very good things to see. If it did not, people would not go there.
to make it easier for the tourists to visit all of the parts of Bali, the government and the people there have built some new roads and have repaired some of the old ones. They have also made NgurahRaiAirport larger so that big planes can come there. Roads and airport are like the doors of a house, and Bali has opened its doors to its visitors. There are many hotels where visitors can stay. The there-hundred-room Bali Beach Hotel is one of them. There are just enough hotels now, and there should be more if more visitors come. These hotels offer tourists guides who speak English and other foreign language. The government has given these guides training because tourists ask them many kind of questions.
Name like “Island of a Thousand Temples” and Island of Gods” show visitors that religion is an important part of live in Bali. Most of the Balinese people are members of the Hindu religion. They have religious ceremonies in their temples and other places almost every day. When a person dies his family burns him in a cremation ceremony is not a sad one. Their temples are beautiful buildings and visitors always want to see them. The Besakih Temples is the most important.
Guides always show tourists Bali’s famous dances. Many villages have gamelan and dance teams for their religious and other ceremonies. The Kecak of Money Dance show part of the famous Ramayana story. This dance tells part of the fight between Rama and Rahwana for Sinta. In the fight, Hanuman and his monkey soldiers help King Rama win.
Some of the other dances are the Legong, the Kebyar, and the Jangger. The Legong is perhaps the best of the three. It has beauty, colorful costumes, music, everything. A person who sits beside the gamelan orchesta tells the story to the audience while three girls dance. It is the story of King Lasem, who asked Princess Langkasari to be his wife. She did not like the King, however and refused to marry him.
The Balinese people make beautiful pictures, carvings and other things that tourist can buy. Many are small enough to carry in suitcases. Tourists generally want to buy these things for themselves and their friends, so they spend a lot of time in the shops.
Narrative Text
Once, in a little old house in the woods, there lived a little old woman and a little old man.
While the little old man was outside in the yard, the little old woman was inside baking a ginger bread man with currants for eyes and raisins for buttons.
Before the could take it out of the pan, the gingerbread man jumped up, bounced out the door, and ran down the part.
“Stop! Stop!” cried the little old man and the little old man, running after him into the woods. But the gingerbread man laughed, and said, “Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread man!”
he ran past a long-eared rabbit and a little brown bear.
“Stop! Stop!” called the surprised rabbit and the hungry bear.
But the gingerbread man laughed again, and said, “Run, run, as fast you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man! I ran away from the little old woman and the little old man, and I and run away from you! I can, I can!”
Next he runs past a woodcutter, who dropped his ax and joined the chase.
The gingerbread man even laughed at the woodcutter.
“Run, run, a fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man! I ran away from the little old man and the little old man, the long-eared rabbit and the little brown bear, and I can man away from you! I can, I can!”
And he did, until he came to a stream that was too wide to cross without getting wet and soggy.
“Jump on my tail!” offered a sly fox, wading into the stream.
“Since you tail is far from you mouth, I shall” said the gingerbread man. And he straddled the tip of the fox’s nice dry tail for the ride across.
But the stream was deep, and soon the fox’s got wet. “Jump on my back!” said the sly fox. Next thing you know, his back was in the water, too. The gingerbread man jumped to the fox’s head, and then to his nose. Snip, snap-the fox ate him up
But after all, that’s what a gingerbread man is for!
Narrative Text
One day, when the little red hen was scratching around for food, she found a grain of wheat. In stead for eating it right then there, she turned to the other animals in the barnyard and said, “Who will help me plant this wheat?”
“NotI.” said the duct.
“Not I,” said the cat.
“Not I,” said the fig.
“Then I shall plant it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did.
The wheat sprouted and grew into a tall stalk. “Who help me cut the wheat?” she asked. “Not I,” said the duck.
“Not I,” said the cat.
“Not I,” Said the fig.
“Then I shall cut it myself,” said the red hen. And she did.
At the top of the wheat was a large cluster of gain. “Who will help me thresh the wheat?” she asked.
“Not I,” said the duck.
“Not I,” said the cat.
“Not I,” Said the fig.
Narrative Text
Once upon a time there was a young girl named Cinderella lived who lived her stepmother and two stepsisters.
“Why are you crying, Cinderella?” a voice asked. She looked up and her fairy godmother standing beside her. “Because I want so much to go to the ball,” said Cinderella. “Well,” said her godmother,” you have been such a cheerful, uncomplaining, hardworking girl that I am going to see that you do go to the ball”.
Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her stepmother made Cinderella do the hardest work in the house, such as scrubbing the floor and cleaning the pots and the pans. She have an old ragged dress to wear. The two stepsisters, on the other hand, did no work about the house, and their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear.
A few days later the king’s son, proclaimed he would marry the girl whose foot fitted the gal’s slipper. The king’s page came to Cinderella house. Her stepsisters tried on the slipper but is was too small for them no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. The king’s page let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out her foot. And the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.
Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She dances again and again with the king’s son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve. She ran toward the door as quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper came off and was left behind.
One day the two stepsisters received an invitation to a ball that the king’s son was going to give at the palace. They were exited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. At last the day of the ball came, and way when the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help crying after they had left.
Finally, she was driven to the palace. The king’s son was overjoyed to see her again. They were married and lived happily ever after.
Magicall, the fairy godmother changed a pumkin into, fine coach and mice into a coachman and two footmen. Her mother tapped Cinderella’s ragged dress with her hand, and it became a beautiful hall gown. Then she her a pair of pretty glass slipper. “Now, Cinderella” she said, “You must leave before midnight.” Then, away she drove in her beautiful coach.
Narrative Text
There once was a prince who wanted to marry princes, but it had to be a real princess. So he went all over the word looking for a princess. Everywhere he met young ladies who told him they were real princess, but he could never be completely sure that this was true. There was always something about them that did not seem right. And so, after a long time, the prince went back home to his parents and was very sad.
One evening there was a terrible storm. It rained heavily and there was thunder and lightning in the sky above the royal castle. Then there was a knock at the…castle gate. The old king went out to see who it could be.
A princess was standing out side the gate. The rain down her hair and clothes and into her shoes. She told the king, that she was a real princess, and he asked her to come inside. “Well”, said the old queen. We’ll soon find out if that is true. She went into the guest bedroom and took the mattress and blanket off the bed. The she put a little green pea on the bed. She put twenty mattresses on top of for pea, and then twenty blanked on top the mattress. This was sheer the princess was going to spend the night.
The next morning the queen asked the princess how she had slept. “Oh, it was terrible!” answered the princess. “I didn’t close my eyes all night. I don’t know what was in my bed, but I lay on something hard, and now I am black and blue all over it was quite a terrible night.
Now, the king, the queen and the prince did be sure that this was a real princess! She had felt little pea through twenty mattress and twenty blankets. Only a real princess will be able to do that!
So the prince married the princess, and the pea was put in a museum for everyone to see. And, unless someone has taken it, it is still there today.
Narrative Text
Kajanthini Selvrasa never imagined that on the very day she planned to be married in Sri Lanka she would be dealing with two deaths, and then he news of her grieving mother and father might not be free to return with her to Canada, fir they lost their passport
“you have two deaths in your family and this is how you are treated,” the exhausted Selvrasa, who lost her aunt and grandmother, murmured in her family’s home in Colombo.
Selvrasa, 23, of Mississauga and her fiancé, Benjamin Yogarajah, 28, of North York, had traveled with her parents to Sri Langka for their wedding on the 29 the of December. Her parents, Sri Langka nationals who have lived in Toronto as landed immigrants for more than a decade, lost all their identification when the waves hit her grandmother’s home.
The Canadian high commission in Colombo told them they must reapply for the documents before they can come back.
“I know they have a lot to deal with,” said Yogarajah to Selvrasa.
“Yeah…” replied the hopeless Selvrasa
Selvrasa’s grandmother, Rasanayagam Algaratnam, her aunt, Jayarannee Puvipal, and Puvipal’s husband and their three children were inside Algaratnam’s house when the surging water advanced on the home.
Puvipal’s husband scooped up one of their three children and ran, while a neighbour carried a second to safety. But, a 9-year-old remained whit algaratnam and Puvipal, who were searching for the family’s passports when the water reached them. The boy was pushed the water’s force to the ceiling, where he clung, frightened and bleeding, as the women were engulfed, frightened and bleeding, as the women were engulfed.
Their bodies were recovered, but only after thieves had stripped puvipal’s battered body of the wedding jewellery.
Narrative Text
The silent young woman in bed number six is called Jasmine. So am I, but names are only superficial things, floats bobbing on the surface of the water, and we share deeper connections than that. That is why she fascinates me and why I spend my off-duty time sitting beside her.
Today is difficult. The ward heaves with patients and I am kept busy emptying bed-pans, filling out forms, and changing dressings. Finally, late in the afternoon, I get few moments to make coffee and to make coffee and take it over to the orange plastic chair beside her bed. I am thankful to be off my feet, glad to be in her company once again.
“Hello, Jasmine,” I say, as if greeting myself.
She does not reply. Jasmine never replies. She is down too deep. Like me, she has been sea-damaged. I am also the daughter of a fisherman, so I bait my words like fish-hooks, cast them into her ears and imagine them sinking down thought cold, dark water. Down to wherever she may be.
“I have little time today,” I tell her, touching her hair.
With Jasmine, it is always difficult of this, people invents reason to walk by. I catch them looking, drinking her in, and feeding on her. They are barracuda, all of them; wheelchair-pushing porters who slow to a crawl when they near her bed and roaming visitors with greedy eyes. Doctors, who stop, draw the thin screen of curtain, and continually re-examine that which does not need examination.
Great beauty is something that Jasmine and I do not share. I am glad of it
“You father may be here soon,” I say. “Last week he said he would come.”
Jasmine says nothing. Her left eyelid flickers, perhaps.
It is two months since the incident on her father’s fishing, bout since she fell overboard, sank, became entangled in the nets. It was some time before anyone noticed, then there was panic. Her father hauled her back on board thought was his daughter’s body.
“Jasmine,” I whisper. I want her to take our arrived, he carried ashore what he thought was his daughter’s body.
“Jasmine,” I whisper. I want her to take our baited name. I want her to swallow it.
Fortunately, there was a doctor in the village that morning, a young man visiting relatives. It was he who brought this drowned woman back from the brink and told me her story. She opened her eyes; he said, looked up at her father and spoke a single word. Then she sank again, this time into coma.
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Mustafa Kamal Searched for his 5-years-old by day and had visions of her at night, certain that somehow she escaped the Tsunami that slammed into Sumatra island
His dream became reality today, when Rina Augustina squealed and raced into his arms.
“By the grace of good! I knew you were alive! I knew it!” Kamal screamed at a reunion organized by the aid group save the children. “My precious little one. I did not give up. I kept looking.”
“where were you?” she sobbed, throwing her arms around her father’s neck.
Kamal, a truck driver, was on his way to the city of Medan, a 12-hour drive from this provincial capital, when the Tsunami hit on December 26. Rina augustina was at home with her mother, her two sisters, and her uncle.
Her uncle held her and her 12-year-old sister as they tried to outrun the wall of water. It caught them, and her uncle, Hamdani, lost his grip. Both girls were swept away. Her mother and 8-years-old sister also vanished.
Somehow, Rina aughustina survived and made it to a government building where displaced people were gething. A teenage boy took her to Halimah junid’s government offices, and anywhere he might find his wife, there daughters and brother, eventually, he found and the bodies of his two older daughters. But he kept looking for his wife juwairiah, and bRina aughustine.
Meanwhile, all over the city, posters of the missing are displayed on street lamps, settlement reas and government’s central information central.Information center. A local newspaper has printed photos of the missing and detail on what they were last seen wearing. Radio broadcasters have read out names of children living in camps.
Finallym, another fanmily looking for their son told Kamal that they saw his daughter’s same on the boarsl.” It came to me in a dream that you stayed alive, sweaty, “said Kamal in his heart.
With representatives of a non-govermmental organization organization watching to make sure all went smoothly, Kamal went to junid’s home and dropped to his knees at the sight of the little gill in a line green shirt plaid pants. “Where’s name?” the girls asked. Kamal tried to reassure her and did not tell her about her sisters.
As they left, Rina Aughustina waved at Junid and kissed her hard. Kamal cradled Rina Aughtina and kissed her check. He then led her out the sunshine.
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Roro Jongrang was the daughter of giant king called Ratu Baka, she had proposal from a young noble, Bandung Bondowoso. He was handsome wealthy, and powerful but Roro Jonggrang didn’t want to marry him. Ratu Baka gives a task to Bandung Bondowoso. She marriage to Roro Jonggarng.
Bandung Bondowoso used his supranatural power to call the genies, and he made the temples in unbelievable speet. Roro Jonggarng saw that the task was atmost complete then, she ordered her saund of cooking. These actions would make the genies think that morning had come. They Roro Jonggarng, he already finished 999 temples, and when he built the 1.000th , he cursed Roro Jonggarng into a stone statue to fill the 1.000th temple.
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One a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any, she left very exhausted, almost giving up. Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her; she flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. It was a surprise because there was some water inside the jug.
The crown friend to push her head into the jug, sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she friend to push the jug down for the water to flow out but she found that the jug was too heavy.
The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw some pebbles. She suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebble filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crown to drink. “It’s working!” she said
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Once upon a time there lived a little girl same snow white. she lived with her out and Unde because her parents were dead.
One day she heard her aunt and Unde talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to Amerika and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Aunt and uncle to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home. When her Aunt and Unde were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and feel asleep.
Mean while. The seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found show white sleeping. Then Snow White wake up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “What is your name? “Snow White said,” My name is Snow White.
Doc said, “It you wish, you may live with us”, Snow White said, “Oh, Cold I? Thank you”. Them Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the dwarfs lived happily ever after.
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A long time ego, very few people lived in the NewTerritories. There were only a few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass through wild forest.
One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother. She brought along her baby soon. When it was tie for her to leave. Her brother said, it is getting dark, let my son. Ah Tim go with you through the forest,”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying him baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “Please do not hurt my nephew. If you kill him, how can I face my brother again? Please cat my own son instead. “Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away.
They ran back to the house and called for a help. All men in the village fetched thick stick and went buck with her into the forest, when they got there, they saw something very strange. Instead of eating the woman’s baby, the wolves were playing with him.
Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She had offered her won son’s life to save her nephew
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Thousands of tourists go to Bali each year. The include visitors from countries as far North America and Europe. Why do so many people leave their home towns or countries and travel to Bali? Many people to go on trips for the fun of seeing new and strange things and Bali is one of the places where they expect to see them.
There are many books on Bali that foreign tourists can buy before they leave their home towns. However, books cannot explain everything to them, so it a very good things to see. If it did not, people would not go there.
to make it easier for the tourists to visit all of the parts of Bali, the government and the people there have built some new roads and have repaired some of the old ones. They have also made NgurahRaiAirport larger so that big planes can come there. Roads and airport are like the doors of a house, and Bali has opened its doors to its visitors. There are many hotels where visitors can stay. The there-hundred-room Bali Beach Hotel is one of them. There are just enough hotels now, and there should be more if more visitors come. These hotels offer tourists guides who speak English and other foreign language. The government has given these guides training because tourists ask them many kind of questions.
Name like “Island of a Thousand Temples” and Island of Gods” show visitors that religion is an important part of live in Bali. Most of the Balinese people are members of the Hindu religion. They have religious ceremonies in their temples and other places almost every day. When a person dies his family burns him in a cremation ceremony is not a sad one. Their temples are beautiful buildings and visitors always want to see them. The Besakih Temples is the most important.
Guides always show tourists Bali’s famous dances. Many villages have gamelan and dance teams for their religious and other ceremonies. The Kecak of Money Dance show part of the famous Ramayana story. This dance tells part of the fight between Rama and Rahwana for Sinta. In the fight, Hanuman and his monkey soldiers help King Rama win.
Some of the other dances are the Legong, the Kebyar, and the Jangger. The Legong is perhaps the best of the three. It has beauty, colorful costumes, music, everything. A person who sits beside the gamelan orchesta tells the story to the audience while three girls dance. It is the story of King Lasem, who asked Princess Langkasari to be his wife. She did not like the King, however and refused to marry him.
The Balinese people make beautiful pictures, carvings and other things that tourist can buy. Many are small enough to carry in suitcases. Tourists generally want to buy these things for themselves and their friends, so they spend a lot of time in the shops.
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Once, in a little old house in the woods, there lived a little old woman and a little old man.
While the little old man was outside in the yard, the little old woman was inside baking a ginger bread man with currants for eyes and raisins for buttons.
Before the could take it out of the pan, the gingerbread man jumped up, bounced out the door, and ran down the part.
“Stop! Stop!” cried the little old man and the little old man, running after him into the woods. But the gingerbread man laughed, and said, “Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread man!”
he ran past a long-eared rabbit and a little brown bear.
“Stop! Stop!” called the surprised rabbit and the hungry bear.
But the gingerbread man laughed again, and said, “Run, run, as fast you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man! I ran away from the little old woman and the little old man, and I and run away from you! I can, I can!”
Next he runs past a woodcutter, who dropped his ax and joined the chase.
The gingerbread man even laughed at the woodcutter.
“Run, run, a fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man! I ran away from the little old man and the little old man, the long-eared rabbit and the little brown bear, and I can man away from you! I can, I can!”
And he did, until he came to a stream that was too wide to cross without getting wet and soggy.
“Jump on my tail!” offered a sly fox, wading into the stream.
“Since you tail is far from you mouth, I shall” said the gingerbread man. And he straddled the tip of the fox’s nice dry tail for the ride across.
But the stream was deep, and soon the fox’s got wet. “Jump on my back!” said the sly fox. Next thing you know, his back was in the water, too. The gingerbread man jumped to the fox’s head, and then to his nose. Snip, snap-the fox ate him up
But after all, that’s what a gingerbread man is for!
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One day, when the little red hen was scratching around for food, she found a grain of wheat. In stead for eating it right then there, she turned to the other animals in the barnyard and said, “Who will help me plant this wheat?”
“NotI.” said the duct.
“Not I,” said the cat.
“Not I,” said the fig.
“Then I shall plant it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did.
The wheat sprouted and grew into a tall stalk. “Who help me cut the wheat?” she asked. “Not I,” said the duck.
“Not I,” said the cat.
“Not I,” Said the fig.
“Then I shall cut it myself,” said the red hen. And she did.
At the top of the wheat was a large cluster of gain. “Who will help me thresh the wheat?” she asked.
“Not I,” said the duck.
“Not I,” said the cat.
“Not I,” Said the fig.
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Once upon a time there was a young girl named Cinderella lived who lived her stepmother and two stepsisters.
“Why are you crying, Cinderella?” a voice asked. She looked up and her fairy godmother standing beside her. “Because I want so much to go to the ball,” said Cinderella. “Well,” said her godmother,” you have been such a cheerful, uncomplaining, hardworking girl that I am going to see that you do go to the ball”.
Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her stepmother made Cinderella do the hardest work in the house, such as scrubbing the floor and cleaning the pots and the pans. She have an old ragged dress to wear. The two stepsisters, on the other hand, did no work about the house, and their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear.
A few days later the king’s son, proclaimed he would marry the girl whose foot fitted the gal’s slipper. The king’s page came to Cinderella house. Her stepsisters tried on the slipper but is was too small for them no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. The king’s page let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out her foot. And the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.
Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She dances again and again with the king’s son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve. She ran toward the door as quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper came off and was left behind.
One day the two stepsisters received an invitation to a ball that the king’s son was going to give at the palace. They were exited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. At last the day of the ball came, and way when the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help crying after they had left.
Finally, she was driven to the palace. The king’s son was overjoyed to see her again. They were married and lived happily ever after.
Magicall, the fairy godmother changed a pumkin into, fine coach and mice into a coachman and two footmen. Her mother tapped Cinderella’s ragged dress with her hand, and it became a beautiful hall gown. Then she her a pair of pretty glass slipper. “Now, Cinderella” she said, “You must leave before midnight.” Then, away she drove in her beautiful coach.
There is a great development of communication technology that eases people to communicate. People used to know only telegraph or mail just to let anybody else know his/her condition, to share ideas or tell their activities.
Internet offers a number of facilities that can be downloaded y entire people in the world. They are e-mail (electronic mail), chatting access, quick browsing and many others.
They people are familiar not only with telephone but also internet access as another way to communicate.
Another facility provided by internet is that you can chat with other people directly. This is why a number of people then become very addicted to internet message. They spend their time sitting in front of computer only to have a chat. They surely have to pay more money for this.
Let alone, today you can go to an internet center, a place that provided sending small amount of money per hour. This one is of course cheaper than having your own internet access at home.
There are some reasons why people choose e-mail than telephone to communicate. Unlike telephone, e-mail can help you communicate whit you overseas friends by spending by some money. You can also send long message through e–mail, attach any pictures and even photos of yours. Whit a single click on the sent point, you far away friends can receive it only a few second
The budget frenzy in Asia has been all about crazily low fares and more destinations opening up. It is unlocking a new travel market and has forced mainstream airlines, oven the aristocratic Singapore Airlines, to slum it with herd offering more promotional fares.
But troubling omission has been that safety is hardly talked about by the trade or regulators. If travelers are apprehensive, they keep it to themselves.
This hast to change. The accident in Solo (Surakarta) on Tuesday involving an MD-82 plane of the Indonesian budget airline Lion Air forced the issue into the open. Singapore operators Valuair and Tiger Airways quickly assured the public that safety was top priority. But this has been a fortuitous development, an indication of how neglectful the nascent business in Asia had been in not discussing safety matters openly fro the start.
But operators would know a no-survivors crash would public confidence, perhaps fatality. They should reassure traveling public, first of all, on the age and maintenance of their planes. New planes not maintained to required standards, and by competent engineers and technicians, can prove problematic.
Next, the pilots. Are they as competent and rigorously assessed as those of premium airline? Do they flu more house than are permitted? Do rookie pilots abound, as they are cheaper to hire? Airlines operate to tight turnaround times, more so the budgets. Would this place pilots under undue pressure, so as to cut operating costs? Regulators would seek satisfaction on al safety aspects before licenses are given
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The strangest thing happened to me last Sunday morning. I walked out of my house at about half past seven and I was a lion in the street. I am not joking
Then the lion walked into my garden. I tried to get back into the house but I dropped my key on the ground. I couldn’t find it so I climbed up the drainpipe and sat on the roof. I tried to ask for half. I shouted loudly, “Help, Help!” but no one passed the street. I realized that it was early in the morning. An hour later I saw an old man walking on the street. I realized that it was early in the morning. Am hour later I saw an old man walking on the street. I shouted to him, “Help me! Call the police! A wild lion came to my house.” Then he ran to the telephone booth and I thought he called the police.
Thirty minutes later, a dozen of police came pointing their gun to me, they shouted, “Jump down and rise your hands or we will shoot you!” I was very surprised when the lion screamed. The police officers pointed their gun to the lion and one of them made a phone call to the zoo. After a few minutes, the man from the zoo came. They put the lion into a cage and took the lion away.
The police officers helped me go down the roof and asked me some questions. It was the fist time I dealt with police officers.
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There was a when I approached three or four everyday to ask for work. But every time I was answered that they hadn’t had an opening. Till one day, I was so exhausted of being rejected that I went home and slammed myself on my bamboo bad. Bamboo! That was it I remembered my junior high school teacher, Mr. Gunawan, who years ago, had taught me to make craft work from bamboo. I talked to mother about it and asked to up and craft the bamboo roots. I had fifteen bamboo root ducks in three days and displayed them in the window of my workshop. for two months, nothing happened. During a third month however, a craft exporter from town happened to pass in front of my workshop and saw the display. She was impressed by the originality of my ducks and offered partnership to market the duck. She gave a loan of half a million rupiahs and asked me to carve hundred duck.
That was the story. It was real. I didn’t make it up. Now our partnership has comes asset of hundreds of millions of rupiahs. Each a truck box comes to collect the craft animals to be shipped to various foreign markets.
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There was once a might hunter who lived in Laos. He was a good husband and a kind father and he looked after his family well in fact, he was such a good hunter that people called him the chief Hunter. People knew he was a very lucky man.
Everything about the Chief Hunter’s life was fortunate. His children always had food. His wife could trade the bird and animal he caught for the best rice in the village. They had the best cloth to make their clothing. Life was rich and happy for the Chief Hunter’s family.
The one day, the chief hunter hurt himself while he was hunting. He came home to his wife and she said. “What’s wrong? Your face is pale, and you are moving so slowly. What happened?”
“I don’t know,” the chief Hunter said wearily. “I feel very sick. Let me lie down.” So he took to his bed, and his family nursed him devotedly and watched him with great care.
At firs the Chief Hunter seemed to get better, but then he slipped back. He died a week later.
His widow grieved terribly. She missed her husband, and she didn’t know how to live without him. The family became poor, and it was difficult to find enough food to eat the children often cried when they went to sleep because they were hungry. Te widow couldn’t sleep because of her worries and sadness.
One night, as the poor widow was sleeping restlessly, she heard her husband voice. “I have come back to help you” the voice said.
The widow sat up and looked around. She knew she was dreaming, and in her dream she went outside. A large swan spoke to her with the Chief Hunter voice.
“I know how hard it is for you,” the Swan said in the Chief Hunter’s voice
The widow was happy to hear her husband’s voice, yet sad because she knew it was a dream
The words stuck her throat so she couldn’t speak. The swan stood in the moonlight and said.
”I wish I could be here with you”
Then it came closer. She could see that many of its feathers were made of gold. IN the moonlight it seemed to be a golden swan.
The golden swan said. “Put your hand out and take one of my golden feathers. Use the money for yourself and the children go on. I will return whenever you need more. Pull a feather out my wing”.
The golden swan said in the voice of the Chief Hunter, “Go to sleep now. In the morning you will know was a special dream/ “So the widow put the feather beside her bed went back to sleep. She slept so well and so deeply it was as if her husband were still alive.
When she woke up, she remembers the dream and looked for the olden feather. There in its place was money and gold. The woman was very happy and later she went to the village ad bought food and clothing. She was careful not to spend too much
Explanation Text
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Explanation Text
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tube. The airways that connect the trachea (windpipe) to the lungs. This delicate, mucus-producing lining covers and protects the respiratory system. The organs and tissues involved in berating. When a person has bronchitis it may be harder for air to pass and out of the lungs that it normally would. The tissues become irritated and more mucus is produced. The most common symptom of bronchitis is a cough.
When you breathe in, small bristly hairs near the opening of your nostrils filter out dust pollen and other airborne particles. Bits that slip though become attached to the mucus membrane which tiny hair like structure has called cilia on its surface. But something germs get through the cilia and other defense systems in the respiratory tract and can cause illness.
Bronchitis can be actuate or chronic. An acute medical condition come on quickly and can cause severe symptoms. But it lasts only a short time (no longer than a few weeks). Acute bronchitis is often caused by one of a number of viruses that can infect the respiratory tract and attack the bronchial tubes. Infection by certain bacteria can also cause acute bronchitis on the other hand. Can be mild to several and is longer lasting-from several months and years. With chronic bronchitis the bronchial tubes continue to be inflamed irritated and produce excessive mucus over time. The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is smoking.
People who have chronic bronchitis are more susceptible to bacterial infections off the airway and lungs, like pneumonia. (In some people with chronic bronchitis the airway becomes permanently infected with bacteria) Pneumonia is more common among smokers and people who are exposed to secondhand smoke.
We often hear about solar car, solar heating or solar batteries. But will solar energy ever be a major source of energy for industrial societies?
The solar energy is cheaper than any other fuel because we can get the abundant source from the sun.
In sunny desert areas 50% of the sun’s radiation that reaches the ground could be used to produce electricity for business and industry, to provide heat, light and hot water for hoes. Experimental solar ponds can produce hot water to drive generators. Unfortunately, we can’t yet power our homes entirely on sunlight.
Solar energy cans only exploited in bright light. Its greatest potential therefore is in hot countries that have clear skies for most of the year. While most houses are not always in the sunniest part of the world in addition, to harness the solar power, solar cells are needed to convert the sunlight directly into electricity. Solar cells are very to run but relatively expensive to buy and many people can’t afford it.
Needless to say that solar energy is a useful and non polluted source of energy Nevertheless solar cells, the main important device to harness the sun’s energy are still very expensive
Butterflies are unique, beautiful, They have various color and sizes. Some people collect them for fun. Some other do collect them for business they manage a butterfly farm. Have you ever hard about this?
The island nation of Papua New Guinea has been particularly successful at butterfly farming Poached there nearly wiped out many popular species like the spectacular bird wings. The country banned the private collection and export of its butterflies in the late 1960’s, then establishes and official insect farming and trading agency. The agency acts as a clearing house for exported insect and direct the effort of 450 village farmers.
The farming process itself is simple. The farmer is though how to turn his abandoned garden into a butterfly farm by planting the correct and host plants. Butterflies are harvested from the host plants and shipped to clearing house. The other 20% are allowed to return to the forest, providing breeding stock for the next generation.
Butterflies have become bug business for a handful of entrepreneur. There in a size able international trade, estimated at US$ 100 to 150 million per year, and growing.
The avocation or “hobby” of natural history became extremely popular among the professional middle class during the 19th century. Private display cases and museum cabinets were filled with butterflies. Butterflies were traded like stamp and coin, the rarer the species or the more unusual the aberrations, the higher the price
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Roro Jonggrang
I believe I will marry someone I want to share a whole of my life. My idol" said Roro Jonggrang "But how? Usually our parent will choose for us ... look at me! I am weak and arrived with the one I don't like" cried Roro Wilis "Oh noooo ... I have to marry the guy I on't love next year" Roro Ngigel covered her face. Those three girls discussed about men in their life. They were the daughters from a famous man in the village. It's true that in that time, parents would find the mate for their daughters. Ready or not, they had to say YES.
Usually, the parents made a quiz or competition (example: shooting with arrows, hunting in the jungles, finding difficult things they asked ...) The winner would get the prize, their daughter! They thought they made the best for them, to find the strongest one to take care of them ... not really the handsome, not really the richest one ... They did not realize their children had their own mind That was the way they were Few centuries, the girls let it be Except Roro Jonggrang! One day, a man asked her parent whether he could marry her daughter or not The father told Roro Jonggrang about this request. She was smilling and asked him to wait until the day after "Will you say yes to, dad?" asked Roro Wilis "Can you take it? Roro Ngigel worried "Oh, sisters ... I am not that stupid. I am what I am. I will not marry someone I don't know or even I don't love ... well not yet. Most of all, I have learned from you, girls" Roro Jonggrang was proud "But howww? How you can handle this. Mission impossible, sist!" shouted Roro Wilis and Roro Ngigel "I will ask him to built a temple with 100 statues! But I need your favour in the end" "One hundredddd? A favour? What can girls do?" said Roro Wilis. The due date came. Morning has broken. Roro Jonggrang came to her father "Sorry, I can not help you much, my daughter. I already talk to your dad that this tradition should no longer be existed" the mother hugged her "Don't worry, Biyung. You can count on me. I know what I'm doing" she kissed her mother "Rama, I will marry him but he has to make a temple with 100 statues in our garden ... but only until tomorrow morning" asked Roro to her dad. Bandung Bondowasa,the man who extremely wanted to marry her agreed with this. He believed in magic. He came to the cave in the top of a mountain. He prayed. During the prayed, the nymps seduced him ... the ghost scared him ... But he kept praying ... Until those seducers gave up and asked him
"What do you want, man! Here is our territory ..." "I know ... but I need a help to built a temple with 100 statues on the top of the hill there" exclaimed Bandung
"Aaaa ... that's easy. It will be finish as her wish. But you need to serve us flowers in the end. OK?" one of the ghosts required In few seconds, they were already in the garden of Roro's parent They built it like crazy "Ohh noooo, sist ... look, it's almost done!" Roro Ngigel screamed "Don't worry, just ask our servant to put the oil lamp next to our chicken. This will wake them up and sound that morning already comes" asked Roro Jonggrang "Butt ..." Roro Wilis and Roro Ngigel worried "Everything will be OK. Go ... I'll watch them from my balcony" The servant did what they asked. They also did not like if their master married with someone she did not love to live with. "Ukukuk uuuuuuukkk" the chickens yelled that morning has broken Meanwhile, Bandung and the ghosts had done the 99 statues in the new temple. "Ohhh God! It's already morning. I failed" cried Bandung "But we guess this's not yet morning, there must be something wrong!" protested the ghosts. They searched and found out it's the idea from Roro Jonggrang! "This's ashamed! You're beautiful and I adore you so much but finally I know you don't deserve to be my soulmate. You are cheating on me even before we married ..." "Butt ..." Roro Jonggrang felt guilty. She did not mean to hurt him ... she just tried too hard. "I am sorry. I have enough ... I wish you to be the 100th statue and stuck in the temple!" he pointed his finger to her face and suddenly a flash came to her and she became a statue. The temple was complete with 100 statues as her wish. The temple and the statues you can see in Klaten, CentralJavaProvince in Java island, Indonesia. We call it Prambanan. This Hindus' temple is the highest in Indonesia. Enjoy your trip to see it soon and find the beauty of the temple and her.
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Titanic Retold
My name’s Cassie and I have a story to tell. This is the story I
remember. I can only tell you this story without the facts, I can tell
you it the way it happened to me. I can’t tell you how long ago it
happened. I’ve lost all sense of time. My mind is warped and I don’t
really understand what happened that night.
I guess my story must begin on Christmas day 1911. I was 8 at the
I lived with my father George Turn. We lived in a little flat in Southampton, and he was my hero. I never knew my mother; she died when
I was young so my father was all I had.
Back to Christmas day, I woke up and ran out of the bedroom into the
main room. We had a rather pathetic looking Christmas tree this year
but me and father had put some coloured rags on it. Under our
Christmas tree there were three parcels. One of which was from me to
my father. The other two I guessed were for me. I waited for my
father to wake up before I opened my presents.
Narrative Text
A Story of Don Juan and The Red Room
In this essay, a comparision will be made of two texts, 'A Story of
Don Juan' by V.S Pritchett, a twentieth century text and 'The Red Room' by H.G Wells which is a pre- twentieth century text. In order to compare them it will be necsessary to analyse the character, structure and language of each text to determine which text is the more effective ghost story. Firstly the characters of both texts have to be examined. 'Don Juan' has two main characters, Don Juan and Quintero. Don Juan is a happy, lively womaniser and it is written that he may have had to sleep alone for one night. "It is said that on one night of his life Don Juan slept alone althought I think the point may be disputed." This quotation illustrates Don Juan's reputation as a womaniser. When he was a guest at Quintero's house, he thought he would have to sleep alone for one night because there were no women in Quintero's house as even the servants were male. In contrast, Quintero is an angry, upset
widower and he wants to get back at Don Juan. Whilst Don Juan has
liaisons with inumerable women, Quintero has lost the one woman that he truly loved. The reader is led to think that Quintero is planning something for Don Juan and this increases the level of tension as the reader doesn't want anything bad to happen to Don Juan because he is the likeable character of the story.
The characters in The Red Room are very different. The main character
of The Red Room is also the narrator. He is presented as a very arrogant man because he tells us that "it will only take a very 'tangible' ghost to frighten me." This quote shows that he thinks he is brave and this is what makes the reader think he is arrogant. However, later we find out that even the shadows frighten him. Also we
know more about his thoughts and feelings because he uses the first person narrative and less about the other characters' thoughts and feelings. We do know the other characters have some sort of deformity "more bent, more wrinkled , more aged than the first his eyes were covered by a shade" These descriptions make the other characters seem my sterious and grotesque. However, it is important to point out that
these are the sort of characters that the reader would expect to find in a ghost story. Therefore, in terms of character, it must be said that The Red Room is the more effective ghost story.
Secondly, the structure of both texts has to be evaluated. All stories and films are roughly comprised of four elements. They are the Exposition, Complication, Climax and Resolution. In Don Juan, the tension is high throughout the Exposition, Complication, and Climax. The tension in the Resolution drops just a little even though it is the end of the story. Therefore, this is not an usual structure for a
ghost story as the reader would be hopeful of the Resoulution being a low tension moment.
On the other hand, The Red Room is a more typical structure for a ghost story. The tension is high in the Exposition, Complication, and Climax, then in the final part of the text, the Resolution ends with a low tension moment. This is what the reader would expect to find in a good ghost story. "and that is, in all it's nakedness - FEAR!"
This quote tells the reader that The Red Room is haunting him by fear
and that the Resolution is a low tension moment. Overall, the The Red Room is more effective in terms of structure because it is what the reader would expect of a ghost story and this is what the structure is like in most stories. Finally, the language of both texts has to be analysed. In Don Juan, the tension is built up quickly by the use of short simple sentences, This is the point in the story where the reader finds out that the ghost is passionate after the night with Don Juan. The Red Room is the opposite of Don Juan. It has long complex sentences "The old woman sat staring hard into the fire her pale eyes wide open. 'Ah,' she broke in : 'and eight and twenty seven years you have lived here and never seen the likes of this house, I rekon'" in which there are connotations of colour but the colours are different compared to Don Juan "his red eyes". There is also some personification of the shadows " my candle flared and made the shadows cower and quiver." This is what creates the fear in the narrator and builds tension in the reader. Theeffectof this is it builds tension quickly with the fear
that it creates. Also it contains many dated words like "sconce" the effects of using dated words is that the reader want to find out what the words mean and it gives the text more excitement. Therefore the Red Room is the more effective ghost story in the sense of the language in the text as it builds more tension considering the
personification, connotations, and other types of figurative language for example, there are some uses of metaphors and similies also.
In conclusion, The Red Room is an effective ghost story in terms of language. For the reason that it is more effective of building tension considering figurative language and personification which was used in the text.
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Rip Van Winkle
In the story of Rip Van Winkle, a wind story of a bad father/husband is told. The story seems to be a way for the writer to display his anger and resentment towards his spouse. The story is consistently talking about how Rip was dreading going home to see his wife. At the same time it told of his mistreatment of the same wife. By leaving her home alone to raise the children that he brought in to this world and not giving her any support. The story seemed to take an approach of trying to find the easy way out of everything. Rip was looking to find the easy way out of his marriage, it happened. At the same time it also taught a lesson. When it was Rip’s son was referred to “As to rip’s son and heir, who was the ditto of himself, seen leaning against the tree, he was employed to work on the farm; but evinced an hereditary disposition to attend to any thing else but his business.” It showed how Rip noticed that his son had become like him. Although I did not pick up on any emotions as to whether or not Rip was happy or sad that this happened. This story makes us think about how we will act around our kids. How do we want them to grow up? Although I do not have kids yet or plan to in the near future, I can say that I want my kids to have the best, and grow up to be educated and successful.
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The name of R S Kartini is closely associated with the movement for emancipation of Indonesia women. Her activities were confined within the walls of her father’s residence in Jepara. Central Java. Yet, her work and ideas have greatly influenced government policy and our thought and outlook concerning the status and rights of women.
Kartini Lived a time when education, employment outside the home, freedom to decide in marriage and all such things were beyond the reach women. Knowing caused her deep sorrow and resentment. Kartini was born on 1979. at a three when schools were still rare, and only meant to be attended by the sons of government officials. As a daughter of a regent, a nobleman of the highest rank in the local correspondence, Kartini did enjoy elementary education. Though her with the greatest thinker of the West.
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry starts off his third year at Hogwarts rather eventfully. He inadvertently blows up his Aunt Marge, goes on the run and is then personally absolved by the Minister of Magic himself. He then learns that mass murdered, Sirius Black, is intent on killing him, and Mr. Weasley makes him promise a strange thing, that no matter what he hears he won’t go looking for black. Confused, Harry agrees.
As he heads back to school armed with this knowledge, he learns that dementors, evil, soul sucking creatures, have been stationed around Hogwarts for protection against Black. They affect Harry much more than the other students because of his terrible past, and he quickly resolves to learn to defend himself when he begins collapsing every time they come near. He finds a willing teacher in professor Lupin, the new Defense against the Dark Arts professor, who begins teacher Harry the Patronus Charm, which is the only spell that will work against the foul creatures.
As the school year progresses and the third years are buried under pounds of homework, Ron and Hermione start a bitter feud over their pets. Hermione is already stressed out due to her enormous course load, and none of them can figure out how she’s getting to all her classes. it doesn’t help that Hermione’s cat, Crookshanks, repeatedly tries to eat Ron’s rat, Scabbers, and the two friends argue ceaselessly about the annals. They stop speaking entirely when it’s discovered that Crookshanks seems to have eaten Schabbers for good and Ron is devastated.
Harry has a few close calls with Black when he breaks into the castle, but is not apprehended. Thins come to a head at the end of the year when a number of events fall like dominoes up Harry and his friends. Ron’s rat, Scrabbers, turns out to still be alived and is really a wizard in hiding, Peter Pettigrew, long thought dead. Harry learns that it was Peter, is finally going to be punished for his crimes, he escapes into the night.
Sirius, long thought to be a mass murdered and Voldemort supporter turns out to be innocent, and Harry learns that Sirius is his godfather. He’s overjoyed when, for moments, he things he might be finally free of the Dursleys, but Sirius has to go on the run from the Ministery to avoid being apprehended.
Professor Lupin, Harry’s favorite teacher, ends up resigning his post when it’s discovered that he’s a werewolf. He narrowly avoids attacking the kids, and it’s Sirius that saves their lives when he turns into a huge shaggy dog to protect them.
It’s an action-packed year to be sure, but Harry is very happy that Sirius makes it out safely and is finally free from Azkaban. He’s comforted by the fact that he finally has a family member, so to speak, out there watching over him.
Narrative Text
Once upon a time, there was a foolish farmer. He had a good hen. The hen gave him eggs. He sold the eggs and got a lot of money.
The farmer thought “there are many eggs inside the hen. If I open hen, I will get many eggs in one day, and I will have much money at once”
So, he caught the hen, and killed it. But when he cut it open, he didn’t find any eggs inside. The hen was dead.
The farmer didn’t get more eggs. He didn’t get more money either.
Narrative Text
John (who) slumped in he armchair, his arm crossed and his face with gloomy frown. He was a new kid in town, (where) but no one knew he was even there. John didn’t like anybody and they didn’t like (mentalprocess) him. All day he sat (actionverb) in the armchair, staring out the window.
Thought the window he saw a gigantic hollow tree in vacant lot. The tree seemed to call him. He stood slowly up then (linking words started to walk towards the tree. Its branches were very thin and its roots dug into the ground like claws. The tree (specific participants) had thorn all over it. John tried to turn away from the tree but he couldn’t. A mysterious force was pulling him into the hollow
John never reappeared, but no one noticed or cared
Narrative Text
Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih
One day Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih had to wash clothes at the river. She was very tired and a piece of clothing was being dragged by stream. When stepmother noticed that one of clothing was missing, she became very angry and beat. Bawang Putih with a piece of rattan. Then she made her look for the piece of clothing at the river side.
Every time she met somebody, he asked for her missing piece of clothing. At first, she met a man who was bathing his horse. Then she met a man who was fishing on the river.
At last, after having walked for some time, she came near woods where she saw an old woman washing rice. When she asked her about her clothes, the old woman said that she had seen her clothes. I fact the old woman was a demon, called Nini Buto Ijo.
Then, Bawang Putih gathered her courage to say that she wanted to go home. The next morning, the demon gave her the piece of clothing and a melon which should be opened in her home. Quickly, she opened the melon and there was gold, silver and precious inside it.
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Candle Seller
It was p.m. in a winter season, Andrea walked along the street all alone.Her dress was met and she felt cold. Her bare feet stepped tremble and her weak hand brought a big box. It was full filled by candles. The ten years old girl was a candle seller who didn’t have a house and a family
She looked so sad because she had worked around the town to sell her candle but some of them weren’t sold. She felt cold, tired and hungry, for she didn’t have enough money to have some food. In front of a closed store, she stopped and laid her body down. After a while, she got up because she couldn’t stand the cold weather. Then she lighted up her candle to warm her cold body. She tried to sleep and forgot her hunger.
In the middle of the night, Andrea was picked up an angel from heaven. She was laid down in a warm and comfortable place. On the next morning, her death body was found by people in the front of the store.
Narrative Text
One day, a young prince was out hunting. He stumbled upon the tower. He heard Repunzel’s beautiful voice. He decided that he must meet her. He spied and, by watching Mother Gothel, learned the words he had to say to have Repunzel drop her hair. The prince visited her often and the two fell in love.
The, Repunzel made a plan to escape from the tower. She wanted to be with the prince. She asked the prince to bring her a skein of silk each time he visited. She might weave a ladder for her escape. Unfortunately, Mother Gothel caught on. Then, she banished Repunzel to the desert. She threw the prince from the tower into a thorny bush. The thorns made the prince blind and he road the earth searching for his love. Eventually, they found each other, and the prince’s eyes were healed by Repunzels tears of happiness.
A long time ago, there lived a young couple, a man and his wife. His wife was expecting their baby. She wanted a plant only grew in her neighbor’s garden. She wanted it so much. She even intended to steal it herself, but later on, she sent her husband to steal it. Unfortunately, Mother Gothel the owner of the garden, discovered him. She was a witch. Then, Mother Gothel forced the couple to give their first baby to her.
A few months later, the baby was born, it was a girl and named Repunzel. Soon, this baby was taken away to live with Mother Gothel. Repunzel grew to be a beautiful young girl with her long goldly hair. She, at first was cared in a normal way. When she reached puberty, she was locked in a tower so that she would never leave Mother Gothel. The tower stood in the forest. It could only be entered by climbing on Repunzel’s long hair. To cheer herself up, she loved to sing.
Narrative Text
One day, Brawijaya with your own words for the following had a wife giving birth a child who was named Roro Anteng. Laterm one day this young princes married. Joko Seger who came from Brahman Caste. Because of the unfortunate situation, the couple was forded to leave the kingdom. They went to the top BromoMountain. He ruled the area and named it Tengger, which was divided from the couple “names” Roro Anteng and Joko Seger
What happened to their family? Roro Anteng and Joko Seger were unhappy. Why? It’s because they didn’t have a child. What did they do then? They climbed up to the top of the mountain and prayed night and day hoping that the God would listen. What was the result? The prayer was heard and Betoro Bromo promised them many children. However, the couple had to promise that they would sacrifice the youngest child in return. They had 25 children and the youngest child was named Kusuma. Because the parents loved him very much, they didn’t sacrifice him. And the Betoro was angry with them and the mountain was erupted. The eruption brought him. Kesuma was gone.
Kesuma’s brother held offering ceremony. They believed that their offerings can calm down the Betoro. Instead of human being, these people collected fruit, vegetables, rice and meat to be offered to the Gods that they believed. This has been done by generation after generation until today.
Narrative Text
Once upon a time, there was a baby born in a small village, called Malang now. He was left alone in a jungle.
Fortunately a robber named Lebong found and brought him home. When the baby grew later, in the future he also became a robber. A priest named Lohgawe sent him to Tumapel and then Tunggul ametung took his as his adopted son.
When he was an adult, he was attracted by the beauty of ken Dedes, Tunggul Ametung wife. He wanted her as his wife. But it was impossible because she had got married.
To obtain his desire, he asked Mpu Gandring to make a keris for him, by using the keris ke killed Tunggul Ametung and married Ken Dedes.
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Two Wives
Once upon a time, there was a rich man lived in a small town. People called him George the luckiest person in the world. He was not very handsome but he had two wives, Lucky and Jane. Lucky was 40 years old; Jane was 20 years old. Both of them didn’t live in the same house.
One day, George visited Lucky as usual. Lucky was so patience and served her husband as soon as he arrived. Suddenly, she asked him to show his love by letting hour pull out his Black Hair. It was because she felt that she looked older than him. Fortunately, George agreed
A week passed and George remembered that he had another wife-Jane. So he decided to go there as soon as possible. When Jane see her husband, she got very surprised. She was shocked that her husband was so old. She was very disappointed and then she did the same thing as Lucky did as a result. The man had no hair.
Narrative Text
One day, Brawijaya with your own words for the following had a wife giving birth a child who was named Roro Anteng. Laterm one day this young princes married. Joko Seger who came from Brahman Caste. Because of the unfortunate situation, the couple was forded to leave the kingdom. They went to the top BromoMountain. He ruled the area and named it Tengger, which was divided from the couple “names” Roro Anteng and Joko Seger
What happened to their family? Roro Anteng and Joko Seger were unhappy. Why? It’s because they didn’t have a child. What did they do then? They climbed up to the top of the mountain and prayed night and day hoping that the God would listen. What was the result? The prayer was heard and Betoro Bromo promised them many children. However, the couple had to promise that they would sacrifice the youngest child in return. They had 25 children and the youngest child was named Kusuma. Because the parents loved him very much, they didn’t sacrifice him. And the Betoro was angry with them and the mountain was erupted. The eruption brought him. Kesuma was gone.
Kesuma’s brother held offering ceremony. They believed that their offerings can calm down the Betoro. Instead of human being, these people collected fruit, vegetables, rice and meat to be offered to the Gods that they believed. This has been done by generation after generation until today
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