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The Examination


I was waiting for the doctor to finish his examination. I was worried and nervous. Would he have to operate? Would a blood transfusion be necessary? What would he have to say?

Dr. Johnson was a heart specialist. He was an excellent doctor and his examinations were always complete. He listened to the patient’s heart, took his blood pressure and temperature, gave him an X-ray and examined his eyes and ears.

The doctor finally completed his examination and spoke to me. He told me that heart trouble is never a minor illness, but this wasn’t a serious heart attack. He advised losing some weight, getting a plenty of sleep, and eating good meals. Smoking and drinking would be harmful, of course. Dr. Johnson said it would be necessary to be careful for a while, but he was confident that there was nothing to worry about.

I felt much better after I spoke to Dr. Johnson. I was certain that my uncle would be up and around again very soon. He’s seventy years


A Trip to the Eden Project


Last Friday, our class traveled in the school bus to visit the Eden Project in Cornwall. It was a long ride to get there so we had to be at school an hour earlier, at eight o’clock. We brought our breakfast to eat on the bus.

When we arrived at the Eden Project, we could tell it was a big attraction by the size of the car parks, which were carefully laid out and named after fruits – we were in Plum Car Park. As we walked down, we could see the Eden Project buildings – two enormous plastic domes, built in a dip.

Mrs. Jeffries told us they were called “biomes” and the dip used to be a clay pit, where men had dug out the relay to use for making pots. We spent our morning going round the biomes, looking at the plants. One is kept very warm inside and filled with tropical plants like rubber trees, bamboo, spices, coconuts, and pineapples. There are also displays of buildings and gardens from tropical countries. The other biome is not so warm and among the plants there are orange, lemons, grapes, and olives.

We had our lunch in the exhibition center, where we watched a video about “The Making of Eden”. The Eden Project was build to show how men and plants depend upon each other and it cost millions of pounds to build. Next we had a talk about the plants. A lady explained how you get cocoa beans and cocoa milk from a pad and use them to make chocolate.

We were allowed to look in the shop and spent two pounds. I bought some stickers and a postcard of a man building the biomes. Finally, it was time for the long ride home. We were back by half past three, just in time for the bell.


Mohamed Haytham Saleh


A bomb injured Mohamed Haytham Saleh’s seft eye when U.S and Iraqi forces clashed in his hometown of Fallujah in 2003. Mohammed underwent surgery at a local hospital, but his condition only went worse. Later his father to obtain international help for further treatment. After various effort, Mohamed was able to get his eye operated in Japan sponsored by the Reteractors and regained his eye-sight.

To help Mohamed, his father asked for assistance to a Japanese freelance juarnalist working in the region. The reporter, Shinsuje Hashida, contacted an acquaintance, Hitosugi, who helped organize a drive for donations with Reteractors. Later, Hashida’s wife, Yukiko provided further links after Hashida wa killed in a attack near Bagdad.

Meanwhile the media converage surrounding Hashida’s death thrust Mohamed’s story into the national spotlight, and donations began to pour in.

Mohammaed and his father arrived at Tokyo Narita international airport in 2004 to a crowd of reporters. The local reteractors tended to their needs, while Mohamed had surgery and received follow-up care. When he returned home the text month, his vision was fully restored


Want to Denpasar to Makassar


One day I flew from Denpasar to Makassar. I went with Kevin and Kathryn. Kevin is the project manager for Kang Guru Radio English and Kathryn is the program officer for AUSAID.

The flight was only about an hour. We started to descend and the landing gear made a loud POP sound. I was a little worried. The pilot said something over the intercome in Bahasa Indonesia. I didn’t understand him. I ask someone sitting near me for a clue. He looked anxiously back at me shaking his head. There was no comfort there. The flight attendants looked scared too.

Where was Kevin and when I needed him? I glanced back at Kathryn. All the colour had drained from her face. She was clutching the armrests from of her seat and shaking her head with her haws clenched. Again, the pilot said, something in that mysterious language. This time, instead of the POP sound there was a nice gentle creaking and a slight shudder as the landing gear dropped. I looked out the window and could see the tires on my side of lane lowering. I folt a little weak in the knees. I realized I had been holding my breath for quite a white. As I drew in a deep breath we gave each other a shaky smile as the place bounched along the landing strip. They had a made it.

Organic Farming of Food



Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world and it is so popular. Organic farming means farming with natural, rather than man. Made fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farmers rely on various techniques, such as crop rotation and the use of resistant varieties that are used to some extent in conventional farming. The of organic farming is to minimize external inputs and create a self-sufficient. Close system, self-sufficiency, in this sense. Organic farming is often claimed to be safer than conventional farming, for the environment, for our children and for us.

Toxin is one of the example is supporters of organic farming that man made fertilizer is environmentally damaging. The notion that organic food is safer than normal food is also contradicted by the fact that many of our most common foods cue full of natural toxins. Many kinds of food that we prefer eating reflect how we relate for nature. For most of human history the more artificial and elaborate our diet. The ancient Romans distinguished between food not as proteins V carbohydrates, or even meat V vegetables, but as cultivate V wild and Europeans surrounded by plentiful food fear not nature, but science a dominant contemporary fear that people are wrecking nature. This is the real significance of the nap poll is. It is not a vote of positive support for traditional or organic farming.

The organic farming movement is a luxury for people in safe. Because European agriculture is among the safest in the world. They have serious problem with farming; these involve funding, distribution and subsidies. They do not directly affect consumers, and they are not remotely about dangerous substances lurking in our food so they can be fool and mouth disease. While an economic disaster for farmers, presents no risk to human health. But Europe dose not need the number of farms if has in order to produce the food if needs, whit her for domestic consumption or trade abroad. Organic farming is gentle way of retiring farmland. So European governments can pacify farmers while appearing in tune with public demand for more natural food. In the fact organic methods require more labor and land than conventional ones to get the same yields is a good thing to a farmer in aural Mozambique it is a disaster, so starved and erupt yields so low that there simply is not enough organic matter to put back into the soil.



Name : M. Faisol Amir

Class  : 2005 C

NIM   : 057 139

In the Bell of the Blog


Back in zool, when the entire blogosphere was powered by liffen s on freadmills, a couple of smartasses leegan hading out awards for atrocious and blogs thek term “quickly become web speak”.

At the time, almost no one blogged about food. today, eating a cheese sandwich qualities as a hot schoop for legions of bloggwrs. just go to food porn watch, site that scans hundreds of gastronomic blogs for new content every hour on the hour, and clieck away. food porn? no pornographer worth his gold chains would touch this stuff with a 10-food boom mihe.

blogging is cheap and easy. Anyone can do it. And there’s no folter, no overworked editor wondering of ot’s going to be worth the expense and bother of shepherding this uproven talent onto print.



Fast Food to Make a Nutritionist Smile



Chipotle is a little hard to find in a Boston Market sign and dental offices. Chipotle an up and comer in the nations pantheon of healthy fast food, has finally come to metropolitan Boston

Chipotle is a late comer, the chain was one of the first fast food place in the country to embrace healthy choices, American’s love affair with fast food MC Donald’s big Macs and fries, KFC friend chickened taco bell maximum style defines us to the world.

Last week, the New York city health board announced that after jelly I artificial  trans fats, widely used in cooking and in baked goods and linked to hiking bad cholesterol, will be banned from the city’s 24.000 restaurant, bakeries and other eateries.

Smart diners one not waiting, propelling the rise of places like becono called the lure when if opened in 1997 which server freshly made burritos the name is supposed to sound Spanish. Adam Lisbman, says that ultra healthy but not necessarily good fasting “and he adds” we’ve grocon eight out of the last mine years. When his berg of stymied and Mac mc cabe started o’naturals no one really wanted to take on fast food, says Mc cube. “So we did”

O’naturals’s menu is hat bread sandwiches, noodles. Salads, soups, and pizzas emphasize “free roaming” chickens, organic flour, and wild Alaskan salmon. Into says that we love fast food but were educated and we can eat it every day.

Chipotle founder Steven Ells began with one store in 1993 in Denver then expanded with backing from McDonald’s, before the giant chain divested all chipotle stock this year. Chipotle has “always done something pretty different than traditional fast food says Arnold, such as cooking in the restaurant rather that reheating, sourcing natural meats and organic ingredients, and using no Trans in the cooking oils or tortillas. If they want healthier fast food and are wiling to pay a little more, there should be business for everyone.

Recount Text

Mrs. Peters


Mrs. Peters was 80 and leant on a stick

I used to carry her basket at from the shop

One day she showed mea bottle she had bought

The label said; one she of this will take 20 years off your life.


She hobbled up the step into her house

Next time I saw her, she was walking rain-rod straight

Her stick was gone

She waved to me

That Sunday I went for a stroll in the park

Mrs. Peters was sitting in bench near the gate wearing an

elegant dress and scarf


She looked about 40

The following week I met her in the park again

She was dressed in high jeans and a sweater

I sat down next to her and took her hand

I asked her to the cinema

She said she wanted to go and change

She said she’d meet me in the park in an hour’s time

I came back in an hours nobody there

I went to her house and hammered on the door

No answer

Recount Text

A handshake, a hug, a bow, or a pat on the back?


My name is Alice. L went to the United States on my last holiday.

I met so many people and went to so many places there. The States is a really big country. L found a different greeting custom there. In the United States, people shake hands when they are fist introduced. Friends and family members often kiss or hug on the cheek when they see each other. In this situation, men often kiss woman but not other men.

I met a new friend there and his name is Son Ming Sun. he came from Korea and was also on holiday. He stayed next to our hotel room. He told me that Korean has a different greeting custom too. Men bow slightly; the family name came firs, then the first name.

Most of all, we had a really good time together and keep e-mailing to each other.

Recount Text


Joanne Kathleen Rowling



Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in Chipping

Sod bury, a small town in southern England


In 1971 she wrote her first story


In 1997 her first book: Harry potter and the

Philosopher’s Stone published in Britain


In 1998, her second book; Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets


In 1999, her third book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban published in Britain


In 2000, her fourth book; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire published in Britain

Recount Text

Train fare Evasion


I believe that ignorance can lead to guilty feeling. It was early in the morning when I stepped on the platform of Guilford railway station. I wanted to buy a-one-way ticked to London, but the counter was still closed. I walked to the ticket vending machines but they accepted only cons which I didn’t have enough. Without any ticket, I got into the train and sat in the front seat. The wagon was quiet and, in fact, I was the only passenger. A train in spector appeared look at me, and to my surprise, kept walking to the rear. I began to feel uneasy due to the failure to buy a ticket. When the train stopped at Wimbled on station, I looked out the window. A big poster on the station wall said, “Those found without a valid ticket will be fined £30.in the remaining time of the journey, I was worried it the inspector would go back and pull mean. Eventually, the train reached London Central and I managed to walk out the station without validating a ticket. From that moments on, I could not forget my ignorance and always though that a should have bought a ticket to save me from uncomfortable feeling.

Recount Text



Dear Grandpa and Grandma

Yesterday at my school we had an International Day. We had performance, food stalls, lisp lays, raffle ticked draw and some of us were dressed in costumes.


We started out day off with performances but the one I liked best was the one from four grades. We played games. The performance I was in was abamba

Straight after our performances we had our lunch. There were food stalls. They came from Australians, Asia, Arab, and Greece


Everyone had a job. These people were from sixth grade. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell international Day Books.

We had display in the hall. These displays were good but I didn’t get to see them. The displays came from lot of countries.

There were also a Trash and Treasure stalls where they sold toys. The school got things by asking the children to bring them it.


Although I didn’t win anything, international Day was still fun.

Recount Text



I was waiting for the doctor to finish his examination. I was worried and nervous. Would he have to operate? Would a blood transfusion be necessary? What would he have to say?

Dr. Johnson was a heart specialist. He was an excellent doctor and his examinations were always complete. He listened to the patient’s heart, took his blood pressure and temperature, gave him an X-ray examined his eyes and ears.

The doctor finally completed his examination and spoke to me. He told that heart trouble is never a minor illness, but this wasn’t a serious heart attack. He advised losing some weight, getting a plenty of sleep, and eating good meals. Smoking and drinking would be harmful, of course. Dr. Johnson said it would be necessary to be careful for a while, but he was confident that there was nothing to worry about.

A felt much better after I poke to Dr. Johnson, I was certain that my uncle would be up and around again very soon. He’s seventy old now, but he can still alive for a long time if he takes good care of himself.

Recount Text

A Trip to the Eden Project


Last Friday, our class traveled in the school but to visit the Eden project in Cornwall. It was a long ride to get there so we had to be at school an hour earlier, at eight o’clock. We brought our breakfast to eat on the bus.

When we arrived at the Eden Project, we could tell it was a big attraction by the size of the car parks, which were carefully laid out and named after fruits-we were in Plum Car Park. As we walked down, we could see the Eden project buildings-two enormous plastic domes, built in a dip in the ground

Mrs. Jeffries told us they were called “biomes” and the dip used to be a clay pit, where men had dug out the clay to use for making pots we spent our morning going round the biomes, looking at the plants. One is kept very warm inside and filed with tropical plants like rubber trees, bamboo spices, coconuts, and pineapples. There are also display of buildings and gardens from tropical courtiers. The other biome is not so warm and among the plants there are oranges, lemons, grapes, and olives.

We had our lunch in the exhibition center, where we watched a video about “The Making of Eden”. The Eden Project was build to show how men and plants depend upon each other and it cost millions of pounds to build. Next we had a talk about the plants. A lady explained how you get cocoa beans and cocoa milk from a ad and use them to make chocolate.

We were allowed to look in the shop and spent two pounds. I bought some stickers and a postcard of a man building the biomes. Finally, it time for the long ride home. We were back by half past three, just in time for the bell.


Recount Text

My Graduated


When I was 21, I went to England to study physics. At that time, I knew English quite well because I had studied it for nearly ten years. I had already finished my studies at our University. So I knew quite a lot about physics; in fact, I had got first class honors in my B. Sc. Examination.

I arrived in England in October, I had never been abroad, se everything in England interested me very much. When I had found my college, and when I had put my luggage in my room. I went out to see Cambridge. I had never seen such a beautiful city before. I was soon lost. After I had walked around for an hour, I decided to ask a policeman the way. I found one and told him that I had lost my way. He was very helpful. He told me they way to my collage. During the past hour I had walked round in a circle, and I was quite neat it again! I had never lost my way before, and said to my self, I will never lost it again, I will get a map of Cambridge. (Taken from Intermediate Refresher Course, L.A Hill, London Oxford University press, 1972) 




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